Alexandra Couts

Investigador Correspondente


Grupo de Investigação:
Leitura e formas de escrita

ORCID: 0000-0003-4212-1030

Alexandra Couts is a Foreign-Affiliated Researcher at the Centre for the Humanities (CHAM — FCSH/NOVA). She completed her Ph.D. in History and Theory of Ideas at Nova University of Lisbon in 2018. Her scientific interests focus on the analysis of the process of editing and publishing methods [and techniques] of the Portuguese poet Herberto Helder.

Her work spans multiple areas of research within Editing and Publishing, Contemporary Literature (Portuguese and North-American female authors), Visual Poetry, Cyberliterature and Digital Humanities.

She is also a writer, editor and publisher.

Last updated: October, 2018.

Curriculum Vitae(Pdf)

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