André Murteira

Investigador Integrado

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Grupo de Investigação:
Sociedade, Política e Instituições

Áreas de Investigação:
História da expansão portuguesa
História militar

ORCID: 0000-0001-8814-5981

André Murteira is a member of CHAM — Centre for the Humanities, from the Universidade NOVA de Liboa, Portugal. He has a MA in History of Portuguese Overseas Expansion by the New University of Lisbon on the subject of Dutch privateering against Portuguese navigation between Europe and Asia from 1595 to 1625. His MA dissertation was the basis for his published book, "A Carreira da Índia e o Corso Neerlandês, 1595-1625" (2012). He has recently finished his PhD in History by the New University of Lisbon on the subject of Dutch privateering against Portuguese navigation in Asia in the first quarter of the 17th Century (2016). He benefited from a grant from Fundação Oriente (Portugal) to do his MA and from another from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – Ministério da Educação e Ciência (Portugal) for his PhD. He is interested in the maritime history of the Portuguese in Asia in the 17th Century and in the history of Dutch-Portuguese conflicts in Asia in the same period.

Curriculum Vitae(Pdf)

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