Ana Serrano

Investigador Correspondente

Bolseiro de Doutoramento

afaserrano13@gmail.com; ana.serrano@fcsh.unl.pt

Grupo de Investigação:
Arte, História e Património

Áreas de Investigação:
História da expansão portuguesa

Ana Serrano has a Master’s degree in Conservation and Restoration from the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2010), and held a Socrates-Erasmus internship in textiles conservation at the Magyar Képzõmuvészeti Egyetem (Budapest) during 2009. Currently, she is undertaking a PhD project, granted by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), on the study of cochineal insects as sources of red in historical textiles (“The Red Road of the Iberian Expansion: Cochineal and the global dye trade”, grant SFRH/BD/73409/2010), at CHAM and the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency.

Curriculum Vitae(Pdf)

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