Margarita Rodríguez

Investigador Correspondente

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Grupo de Investigação:
Cultura, história e pensamento ibéricos e ibero-americanos

Margarita Eva Rodríguez García has a Master Degree in Latin-American History (Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. La Rábida, 1997) and a PhD Degree in Modern History (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2002). Her main research topic is the History of Spanish Empires and Colonial America, with special attention to the Peruvian political history and women history in the18th century.
In 2007 her career in research brought her to Portugal, as an FCT postdoctoral fellow in the Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, in Lisbon, with a project on the historical relations between Asia and Latin America.
In 2008 she won the research contract Ciência FCT of Portugal. Since then she has worked as auxiliary researcher in CHAM, and has developed a project about the scientific expeditions to Spanish and Portuguese America during the 18th century
This period provided the possibility to continue teaching on the History of the Spanish Empire, with special attention to Colonial Latina America, to undergraduate students of Spanish Studies ; to coordinate projects as “The End of the Old Regime at the Iberian Empires: connected and compared perspectives” (with Prof. Scarlett O´Phelan-PUCP-Perú) and to divulgate in Portugal, Peruvian history (Co-editor of Descripção Geral do Reino do Peru, em particular de Lima, Lisboa, CHAM, 2013)
Some of her other publications are:
Criollismo y Patria en la Lima Ilustrada (1732-1795), Buenos Aires, Miño y Dávila, 2006.
Compañías Privilegiadas de Comercio con América y Cambio Político (1706-1705), Madrid, Banco de España, 2005.
“Educar: ¿a quién y para qué?”, Historia de las Mujeres en España y América Latina, Isabel Morant (Dir.), Madrid, Catedra, 2005.
“La Ilustración posible en la Lima setecentista: debates sobre el alcance de las luces en el mundo hispánico”, O Atlântico Revoluonário. Circulaç?o de ideias e de elites no final do Antigo Regime, CHAM, 2012.

Curriculum Vitae(Pdf)

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