Saúl Martínez Bermejo

Investigador Correspondente

Professor Assistente
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Grupo de Investigação:
A Antiguidade e a sua Recepção

Áreas de Investigação:
História cultural
História da expansão portuguesa
História do livro

I am currently researching on the uses of classical scholarship in European overseas expansion and how this practice of historical comparison provided a series of intellectual foundations for “negotiating” between European and extra-European cultures. EmpireClassics focuses on the influence of ancient Greek and Roman culture on written and visual representations of the new overseas realities on three different levels: anthropological, narrative/rhetorical, and historical.

I have previously worked on the history of European political thought, in particular in the reception and reading(s) of Tacitus in Early Modern Spain, France and England.

I am also interested in the contemporary uses of historical knowledge, the practices of memory, public history, digital humanities and the teaching of history. I am member of Contratiempo, historia y memoria, an association devoted to promote and democratize historical knowledge.

I have taught courses on Early Modern Spanish History (UAM-UNL), the History of Corruption (UNL) and on the History of Books and Reading (UNL)


-Translating Tacitus. The reception of Tacitus’ works in the vernacular languages of Europe, 16th-17th centuries, Pisa, Pisa University Press, 2010.

-Layers of Power in Europe (co-edited with D. Martykánova and M. Samardzic), Pisa, Pisa University Press, 2010.

-“Monólogo. Educación, tradición y comunicación en la historiografía académica española”) (co-authored with J. Castro Ibaseta), in P. Sánchez León and J. Izquierdo Martín (eds.), El fin de los historiadores. Pensar históricamente en el siglo XXI, Madrid, Siglo XXI, 2008.

-“Beyond Luxury: Sumptuary Legislation in 17th-century Castile”, in G. Lottes, E. Medijainen, and J. Viðar Sigurðsson (eds.), Making, Using and Resisting the Law, Pisa, Pisa University Press, 2008.

Curriculum Vitae(Pdf)

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