Jorge Freire

Assistente de Investigação

Bolseiro de Investigação
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Grupo de Investigação:
Arqueologia Moderna e da Expansão Portuguesa

Áreas de Investigação:

ORCID: 0000-0002-1853-441X

PhD student in History, Archaeology at the FCSH-UNL and research assistant at Centro de História Além-Mar History Major with a minor in archaeology by the FL - UCoimbra in 2002. M.A. in archaeology by FCSH-UNL. with the thesis “À Vista da Costa: A Paisagem Cultural Marítima do Litoral de Cascais.”. During his 10 years of experience in archaeology he worked professionally in rescue, nautical and naval archaeology and management of cultural heritage resources. He has been Principal investigator of several projects and currently is the Principal Investigator of Project ProCasc, together with A.Fialho and Estudo, valorização e monitorização do complex Arqueológico de São Julião da Barra Project, together with J.Bettencourt. Book author of Thermopylae - History of the world’s fastest Clipper (co-authors António Fialho, Jean Yves Blot, Augusto Salgado e Cármen Soares),, he has published several articles since.

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